Bitcoin Automated Posting Videos - Photos in GLOBSKI

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Welcome BusineSoul

Proof WD Globski
 Today BusineSoul share that site last night BusineSoul found on GOOGLE.
This site can search for Bitcoin automatically just by entering
From the Vine
YoTube Vine  DailyMotion MetaCafe Vimeo FunnyorDie Facebook FunnyorDie Support Links

You can get easily Bitcoin and HALAL
Its more fun again, his Viewer, Video Viewer every visitor you are, you also get a Bitcoin tablets, such as video already becoming Popular BusineSoul 

see its screenshot

What is a Bitcoin?
Bitcoin is an electronic currency created in 2009 by Satoshi Nakamoto. The name is also associated with open source software that he designed, and also uses a peer-to-peer that connects everything. Unlike general currency, bitcoin does not depend on the trust major publishers. Bitcoin uses a distributed database and spread to the nodes of a P2P network to journal transactions, and uses cryptography to provide basic security functions, such as ensuring that the bitcoin-bitcoin can only be spent by people have it, and never be done more than once.

Fair value of 1 Bitcoin gan :) see below


Or it could be in the clay directly from his site Artabit

Before you post Videos / photos in
GLOBSKI you must create Account Wallet / Blockchain.
To create Account Wallet / Blockchain you can see here

After creating Account Wallet / Blockchain you can continue to upload Videos / Photos

Follow the steps - steps below!

1. Visit the website
GLOBSKI and select "UPLOAD"

2. Look down to start the upload video / photos you want to input
3. Copy Link Video / Photo from 
YouTube Website /  Istockphoto
4. See the screenshot below.
Video link

 Upload Video

Upload Foto
  5. To See our Earning see screenshot below!

Earning BusineSoul

Easy right let's wait no longer upload video / photos in
GLOBSKI get Bitcoin :)

NB: the internet make it as a field of money
       Internet do not make it as a negative thing

If you do not understand my inbox :) 

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